Success stories: Ernie from Berkeley

April 29, 2024

Team Haven

Frustrated by increasing outages and the devastating impacts of wildfires, Ernie decided to get battery backup so he could find a way to power his home and his passions.

Meet Ernie

Today, Ernie's system works quietly in the background, providing energy to his Berkeley home and making sure his more tropical companions never get too cold. Pairing his Haven system with existing solar panels, Ernie has the additional benefit of being able to switch to battery power during peak pricing, typically from 4pm to 9pm, and offset high time-of-use rates.

Battery backup is more accessible than ever. Thanks to a wave of new incentives and rebates, as well as a sizable 30% federal tax credit, many more homeowners can access the benefits of storage, especially if they have solar. Start your journey to energy independence today and find out how much you can save.